Crows midfielder Brent Reilly has confirmed his desire to stay at Adelaide and help other interstate players settle at the club.

The decision of 2003 draftee Fergus Watts to return home at the end of last season increased debate about the value of recruiting Victorians.

But Reilly, drafted in 2001, has been won over by the city and is now helping other players - including 2005 Victorian draftee Richard Douglas - adjust to a new environment.

"I love being here, it's a sensational place, I've adapted well to it," Reilly said. "Fergus made his decision and good on him, but I'll hopefully stay here another five or six years.

"Since I came here the introduction to the footy club has been upgraded a lot, it's almost five star at the moment so they're doing their best to get the boys to stay here.

"It's also a good opportunity for Sarge (Ian Perrie), myself and others to take on some leadership roles with the young boys and help them through."