The Adelaide Football Club has made the following changes to its playing list for season 2013:


Primary-listed players
Michael Doughty (retired)
Brad Symes (delisted)
Chris Knights (unrestricted free agent to Richmond)

Rookie-listed players
James Craig (delisted)
Will Young (delisted)
Sam Martyn (delisted)


Primary List
Ian Callinan (promoted rookie to primary list)
Brad Crouch (GWS trade incentive to primary list)
Angus Graham (traded from Richmond to primary list)

Rookie List (retained)
Rory Laird
Tim McIntyre
Dylan Orval
Ben Dowdell (alternate talent category B)

*Please note that Adelaide had 39 Primary List players in 2012 plus Nominated
Rookie Ian Callinan.

This year the Club will have a full complement of 40 players on its list.

The Club’s final list position will not be determined until the second AFL list lodgement on 15th November 2012.

At this stage Kurt Tippett will stay on the Adelaide Football Club list. The AFL has informed the Club that it would not permit our Club to delist him at this time, as it appears to it that this action would be in furtherance of the agreement that is currently the subject of the AFL’s investigation.

It is our understanding that subject to the outcome of the investigation and the AFL’s approval, Kurt now has the right to delist himself in this period and nominate for the National or Pre-Season Draft.

Adelaide list manager David Noble said: “We would like to thank the six departing players for their efforts for our Club and we wish them all the best in their future.

“All have given their best to the Club and are quality people who we are proud to have as past players of our Club.”