The Crows Community Camp on the Fleurieu Peninsula last week will be remembered for a long time to come by many residents.

Victor Harbor local and Aged Care resident Bert Jones reckons it's the best day he has had in a while, while staff at the Ross Robertson facility at Victor Harbor are still talking about the physical attributes of the players - and their charming manners.

Aged 84, Bert has lost his eyesight, but it hasn't stopped him being a devoted fan who follows the Crows every kick, handball and mark on his radio.

Spokesperson for the Aged Care Centre, Elspeth Brown said the players' visit was a lively boost to a normal working day.

"I was out at the time but the staff have not stopped talking about how charming and goregoues the players were - and how amazed they were at the size of their physiques," Elspeth said.

"The lads enjoyed the specially baked Crows cream cake which they shared with the residents for morning tea.

"They are always welcome here. How soon can they come back - all the staff and residents are asking me!"

Matthew Clarke, Ian Perrie, Luke Jericho and Crows communications coordinator David Burtenshaw enjoyed the hospitality at the home while other players and officials visited nearly 50 schools, hospitals and aged care facilities during the camp.