There's even an opportunity to form a guard of honour on field at the one of the home matches and have the boys run straight past, all fired up!!
Join our patron Eve Goodings as an inaugural "Birds of a Feather" chick and enjoy all the benefits:
Exclusive Birds of a Feather pin
Exclusive Birds of a Feather 2006 diary and pen
Access to Foodland Birds of a Feather corner of the Crows website
3 editions of Pride magazine (if not already receiving via another membership)
3 editions of the Birds of a Feather Bulletin
At cost invitation to a Foodland Birds of a Feather function (tba)
Exclusive complimentary invitation to a pre-season BBQ to meet the new recruits
Dinner with some of the players at an exclusive Birds of a Feather function including all food and beverages
Opportunity to form a guard of honour for the players at a designated home game
Opportunity to travel to Melb for a shopping spree and to watch a Crows match (at cost)
Contact Anne Pilkington (84406625)