Today is the last day to vote on the new ‘clash’ guernsey concepts for next season.

Five concepts for the guernsey design have been shortlisted by the Club.

Crows Chief Executive Andrew Fagan said he believed Members and supporters should have a say in how their team looks in 2016.

“Not long after joining the Club I saw first hand the depth of passionate discussion between our fans regarding our match day strip and mentioned in one of our Member forums that our fans would be given a say come time for a new clash jumper,” he said.

“Given the amount of change that has taken place at the Club since the current design was finalised, we sought and received AFL approval to formalise a different one for 2016.”

Fagan said the five designs were chosen after considering feedback and ideas from fans in the past year.

“There is sure to be plenty of healthy debate and we want as many of you as possible to make the most of the opportunity to have your say in which clash jumper we approve for 2016 and 2017,” he said.

Fans can vote here until 10pm on Monday, August 10.

The results of this online poll will be released to all fans and the most popular concept will be developed into our 2016 clash jumper, with socks and shorts, subject to final sponsor and AFL approval.

Five lucky fans who vote for the winning concept will be given a signed copy of the new jumper when it is released at CROWmania later in the year.

Competition terms and conditions