More than 50 children attending Camp Quality’s CQ-Factor Camp visited AAMI Stadium on Thursday.

The CQ-Factor camp is for kids aged between 8-12 years, who are affected by cancer. The trip to West Lakes was just one of many fun activities planned for the group during the week-long camp.

During the visit, the group was given a behind-the-scenes tour of the Club’s training facility before viewing a Crows movie, participating in a quiz and watching the end of the team’s main training session.

After training, the team welcomed the kids onto the main deck for a kick and a catch, where some of them showed some off their impressive skills.

Vision impaired Jessye Campbell asked to go for a run around the oval, so Crow Ian Callinan happily took Jessye by the hand and the pair ran a few laps together.

After many kicks, laughs and photos, Crows Foundation board member Jason Porplyzia presented the group with 100 tickets to Sunday’s game against the Western Bulldogs, asking the group to ‘cheer us on loudly!’

Camp Quality is one of three charity partners of the Adelaide Football Club and Crows Foundation for season 2013. The Foundation has given Camp Quality a grant of $10,000 towards their efforts in making ‘laughter the best medicine’.

The campers will certainly be laughing this week, travelling around Adelaide for activities such as cooking classes, pool activities, karaoke competitions and some play time at the beach.

The day with the Crows was a part of the sports factor day where they were able to meet some of their favourite players and take some time out to just have fun. The camp ends with a grand talent show on Friday, a great way to end a fabulous week supporting children and their families living with cancer.


Ian Callinan with Jessye Campbell