Crows forward Ken McGregor says the team’s response to its lack of competitiveness in Saturday’s big loss to West Coast must be immediate.

After eight consecutive wins the Subiaco capitulation was a slap in the face for the playing group but McGregor believes the lesson must be turned into a positive.

“Yeah, it's difficult to come back from any loss, but our aim is on a response, and we will be judged on how we respond to that this week,” he said.

“The mood has not been as great as it has been the last couple of weeks when obviously we've had a win ... you always feel a lot better ... it's natural instinct. We weren't happy with the way we played and we will be right this week. There is a lot of determination to come out and respond.”

West Coast’s midfield domination has been highlighted since the game but McGregor said Adelaide’s performance was not good enough all over the ground.

“Everyone had a bad day,” he said. “It just wasn't the midfield. We were beaten up forward, our defenders were beaten as well, so it just wasn't the midfield's fault. We were all bad.

“We (the whole team) never want to be beaten that badly, and never want to be beaten that badly with contested ball, and we will be working on that and hopefully it will be better this week.”

McGregor said winning over the past two months had not hidden any deficiencies.

“No. We've been winning by five or 10 goals and we've had a lot to work on,” he said. “We always knew we weren't where we wanted to be. There were a lot of areas where we felt we weren't as good as what we could, and it showed on the weekend we still have a long way to go.”