FROM Armstrong to Young, Adelaide list manager David Noble assesses the performance of every player on the list in the club's disappointing season.

Tony Armstrong
Tony resurrected his game towards the end of the year. He played some outstanding SANFL footy and then came in and played at the same level with us. His reading of the play and ball use was exceptional. He's certainly a player with some skill who can help us move forward.

Ian Callinan (rookie)
Ian had a really frustrating year injury-wise. What Ian has brought to the club with him is an outstanding way in which he prepares, and I think that's rubbed off on the other guys. He doesn't leave anything to chance and it's just frustrating we couldn't get him on the paddock more.

Myke Cook

Myke played some really outstanding footy this year at SANFL level. His best footy has probably been at half-back. As a counter-attack player, he's really showed some poise and class. He was probably a bit unlucky not to get a run in the back-end of the season with the form he showed. He and Tony Armstrong were the two vying for that spot, and Tony's form was a little bit stronger. The development guys have given 'Cooky' a big wrap, so we'd like to think going forward he might be able to develop a bit further.

James Craig

We finally got him on the paddock in the latter part of the year. He had a really tough run with that hamstring injury, but our medicos and fitness guys have said James' character was unbelievable throughout. He's held his head really high to get himself to a point where he's up and playing, so at least that's given us an opportunity to assess him. We'd like to think with all things being equal that he fits a need we've got at the moment in terms of the ruck and talls because we've lost a few.

Patrick Dangerfield

Patty started off in the midfield, went forward and became a strong option and then went back into the midfield. His midfield work has developed nicely. We still think he's got a fair bit to go with regards to his clean ball take, but once he worked out he was in the midfield more regularly he became a lot more consistent with the way he approached the ball. When he was a forward and went into the midfield it was almost like he felt like he had to do something, but when he knew he was in there he was a lot calmer in his approach to the game. We've seen some really exciting things that we can rely upon going forward in terms of developing an A-grade midfield.

Phil Davis (GWS)

It was a disappointing decision by Phil to leave, but good luck to him. We don't hold any grudges against him because it's a really tough call for a 20-year-old player. You never know, things might turn around over a period of time and he might come back.

Michael Doughty

Mick had a really good year. He was really consistent and super reliable. The way he prepared through pre-season allowed him to play at the level he wanted to play at and I think it's given him the best chance to keep going. His body held up really well. He played some outstanding footy and he's got a lot to add in regards to leadership.

Richard Douglas

Richard had a frustrating year. He couldn't get as much work in over the pre-season as he would've liked and he played catch-up for a fair bit of the year in that sense. He had patches where he was at the level he was at last year, but not for any sustained period of time. He's got to go back and recapture the hunger to drive himself back to the level he reached in 2010.

Jack Gunston

Jack's finish to the season was outstanding. We were really excited by the way he came along and the way and his work-rate was fantastic. It's a frustrating decision he's made to go back to Victoria, but we've got to move on. We hoped he would've stayed, but now we've got to take advantage of the situation as best we can for the club.

Ricky Henderson

The most exciting thing for me this year with Rick was his move up the ground, up onto a wing. He's got an outstanding capacity to read the game. I still think he's got a little way to go in regards to believing he can have a massive impact at this level. Shifting him out of the forward line gave him a lot more freedom and allowed him to use that massive running power and speed he's got. It was a tick for him and a really good indicator for us going forward.

Sam Jacobs

It's difficult for people outside the club or who don't watch us every week like our supporters do to understand the impact Sam's had for us. Even in the early part of the year when we had a period where we were up and down as a team he was so consistent. It's almost like he took on that challenge himself and helped drive the midfield. We're really excited about him. His 'linkage', or work between the backline and the forward line was a real highlight. We know he's got some talent in the ruck, but adding that around-the-ground work was terrific for us.

Matt Jaensch

Up until Matty did his shoulder, he was probably on track for a breakout year. I think Matty has matured off the field. He really wanted to grab hold of his opportunity and see what he could do, and that showed significantly in his footy. With another good pre-season under his belt, he could become a really high-quality backline player/defender in the competition. He's prepared to back himself in and is a great user of the ball, which is something we were crying out for. If you look at all the top-end teams they've got good quality defenders, who can actually use the ball and penetrate when they get hold of it.

Graham Johncock

Graham had another consistent year. Towards the end of the year he was a bit stiff and sore, but he still finished the season in reasonable form. He played some outstanding footy and we were really pleased he signed on to be able to finish his career and as a one-club player, which I know he was keen to do. He's at a stage now where he needs to really prepare himself well through the pre-season to give himself the best chance he can of maintaining the level of performance he's capable of. We tinkered a little bit with him up forward, which was good for him because it showed he's still got that flexibility. Maybe, a new coach on board might think he's got an option of playing Graham a bit more up forward as well.

Chris Knights

Chris is another one who had a frustrating year in the sense that he probably didn't reach the standards he would've liked, and then towards the end of the season he had a few injuries that ruled him out. He wasn't able to finish the year and get the momentum you can sometimes take into to the next pre-season. He'll train his backside off over pre-season and prepare himself to have a better year in 2012. We liked what we saw when we moved him up onto the wing, and he could actually impact in the midfield if he can get himself in there. He adds a slightly different dimension as a left-footer and attacking player. Sometimes having those guys in your midfield mix can help break up certain types of games for you.

Jarryd Lyons

Jarryd played some really good footy for Glenelg. His best trait from what we've seen is his in-close, tight, quality clearance work. He's a bit like Aidan Riley in his capacity to put teammates in time and space from a real congested area at the stoppage. He got a bit tired towards the end of the season. It's a long year when you move away from home and have to deal with a whole big change, but we're really looking forward to him getting his first full pre-season under his belt and seeing what he can do. He would be one to keep an eye on through the early part of next season.

David Mackay

He's one of the top two or three players, who when we lose, really impacts us the most. His capacity to run and carry, break lines and his use of the ball is crucial. He's become adept at winning a combination of contested and uncontested ball. He reads that situation really well. If we can get 20-odd games out of him next season, he could be right up there in the top four or five of your best and fairest.

Ivan Maric

It was a frustrating year for Ivan and probably also for us in trying to find a balance in the number of talls we played with the new sub rule. When Kurt Tippett was out, Ivan came in and did a great job for us. He's seeking other opportunities. He's a competitive beast, so you know he's going to be working his backside off to make a go of it wherever he ends up. We've really enjoyed his time here and we wish him all the best … except when he plays against us.

Brodie Martin

I'm not sure sometimes how the first year back from a knee reconstruction impacts some players. We were a little concerned halfway through the year how Brodie was tracking with that, but he said he was fine. He just didn't reach the heights we thought he might of. What we didn't see was that run, delivery and him backing himself in off certain plays. It improved towards the end of the year and he really started to hit his straps in the last three or four games. He's got to set his sights set on a position and go after it. He's got to get really hungry and make a decision on the type of player he wants to be at AFL level because he's very capable.

Sam Martyn (rookie)

We were exceptionally pleased with how Sam was coming along until the doctors discovered a blood clot at the base of his neck. It was a nasty condition, but he's had the all clear now. One of the things we were a bit concerned with early was how Sam was reading and assessing the game, but that started to sink in really well. He needs to get in the gym, but if he can put some weight on, still run at the level he does and continue to improve his understanding of the game he's an ideal AFL player. He can cover ground as a wingman and probably play forward and back. We're a little unsure yet, but his running capacity is elite and that holds him in good stead.

Shaun McKernan

Shaun had a strong learning year. His form when he first came into the team was really sound. It probably dropped away in the middle-part of the year, but when he came back in and played in defence he performed some traits that suggested he could play at either end of the ground as well as in the ruck. He's got a fair bit to learn in regards to making good decisions and not trying to do too much with the ball too early, but we love his versatility. He's exciting in the options he gives us.

Tim Milera (rookie, delisted)

Tim failed to see the opportunity and grab hold of it, resulting in a mutual decision for him to part ways with the club towards the end of the season. It's frustrating and disappointing, but it's not for everyone. He certainly has some talent.

Brad Moran (retired)

It was just disappointing Brad wasn't able to get his body right. At only 24, he's not very old in football terms to retire, but he's made a decision he wants to head in a different direction and we wish him the best. I don't think any of us saw the best of what he could do. In 2009 when he came into the ruck he played some exceptional footy for us, but just wasn't able to recapture it.

Andy Otten

Andy had a good year. We tinkered with him a bit up in the midfield, but when we pushed him back into defence he became more settled and started to get back to the Andy we knew before his knee injury in terms of his prediction and picking when to drop off his man. He needs to continue to improve his skill base both kicking and handballing. He played most of his junior footy as a midfielder, so the progression in another 12-18 months would be for him to make the transition up into the midfield. He's a ripper size for a midfielder and has great agility and reading of the play. We don't think the midfield is beyond him, but in the short-term we probably see him in that third-tall defender spot.

Jared Petrenko

Jared is infectious in the way that he plays. He really put it on the line to see whether he could do what he does in the SANFL at AFL level. I saw him a couple of times this year in the SANFL really influence the outcome of a game and he was able to do that for us when he came in. He went into the midfield at times and attacked the ball and tackled well. We also saw some more flair from him as a forward, which he needs to display. He's exciting for us moving forward.

Jason Porplyzia

'Porps' was severely missed up forward after injuring his shoulder in round one. Last year, teams started playing tall defenders on him, which means one or two of your other forwards are playing on lesser opponents, so he helps in that way as well as contributing on the scoreboard. He pushed himself unmercifully to get back before the end of the season, but with the way the year unfolded we probably didn't think there was much point in the end. He'll be very determined going into 2012 to make sure it's a solid season for him like the one he had two years ago.

Brent Reilly

We were really pleased with Brent in the end. He started in the midfield and his form dropped away a little bit. I'm not sure whether the role slightly changed, or if he went about it in a slightly different manner to last year, but what he was able to do was recapture some solid form in the back-end of the season in defence. He's a very underrated overhead mark and a good size to be able to predict and anticipate the ball coming in. In a couple of the bigger games towards the end of the year against Geelong and Brisbane we thought his rebound and movement for us offensively out of the backline was quite exciting.

Aidan Riley (rookie)

Aidan was a feel-good story for us this year. We knew we had an exceptional stoppage player, but we asked him to work on his run and spread. You need your midfield guys to be able to win their own ball, but also to get on the move and release out of the stoppage quickly if the ball has been won either way. He was able to do that and develop really well. He certainly didn't look out of place when he played at AFL level. He made a few blues, but that's just inexperience and he was probably also a bit over-eager. We think he's going to put some real heat on for one of those spots in the midfield next season, and we're happy to put him onto the senior list.

Lachlan Roach (rookie)

I'm not sure if Lachy really grabbed hold of the opportunity and put himself out there. He played some reasonable footy in the SANFL reserves without being outstanding. I know the development guys have really tried to work with him and push him hard, and in certain areas like his running power he's responded really well. We think he could develop as a small defender, wingman or hard-running half-forward. He's really going to have to set his sights on a position and go after it again.

Ben Rutten

Ben was up there with Scott Thompson as one of our most consistent players. I can't remember a game where he was beaten. He had an outstanding year and when you talk to the players they say where he's really grown is in his on-field leadership. We're rapt he had a really good year because he works hard and has to put up with the opposition's best forward every week.

Chris Schmidt (rookie)

Chris had to deal with injury and lack of opportunity given his form at SANFL level. We can't question his application and dedication to want to get better. Moving forward, we're not sure where Chris is going to sit in terms of list management, but his best role if he stays is in the midfield or across half-back. He's probably in the top-end group of midfielders at SANFL level, who can win their own ball.

James Sellar

James was as frustrated at SANFL level as anyone. He played in the ruck, at centre half-back and also spent a fair bit of time on the bench, so maybe wasn't able to get on and grab hold of a certain position. He's been around a while, so he's got some experience under his belt. The sub rule plays into James' hands because he has the versatility to play at either end of the ground and as a back-up ruckman.

Sam Shaw

Sam played quite a few games this year, which was good. It took him a bit of time just to get settled back playing and be prepared to cop a few physical hits and feel okay. I saw him play against West Adelaide a few weeks ago and he was a really good. He provided some really classy run off half-back and he's a terrific size. At a stretch, he could probably play key-position defence, but he could also play as a running half-back or wingman. We're really pleased he's re-signed because we think he's got a lot to offer us.

Rory Sloane

You want guys, who are prepared to give you all they've got and Rory does that in spades all the time. He needs to continue to work on his kick, but he's got the potential to be a high-quality midfielder. He's exceptional when he goes forward. He reads the ball well and that's his unconditional, 'play me anywhere and I'll still give you everything' approach. That's what we - and everyone else - love about him.

Brodie Smith

I think Brodie had an exceptional year with the way he came in and approached the games. In the first eight weeks, in games where we weren't going all that well Brodie's form was very solid. He showed a lot of maturity for a guy in his first year. He's another player, who has some great flexibility for us. He has good speed and will take a risk and run and carry the ball. We're really excited about what he's got to offer.

Scott Stevens (retired)

He's one of a handful of players I've been involved with, who just couldn't have got any more out of himself. He just worked so hard to achieve what he did, and it was a shame his career finished the way it did with that concussion. I've got a lot of admiration and time for Scotty and we really missed him when we lost him because of his composure in the back half. He was our sit-off or loose defender, who could predict and read really well when to drop off and when to get to the contest. We just wish him well in retirement. He'll be a success at whatever he does because he's such a well-liked and level-headed guy.

Brad Symes

Brad wasn't able to have clean run at it because of injury. I don't think we've got too many players that can read the play while it's going as well as 'Symesy' can. He's had a frustrating year, and he'll have to look after himself through pre-season because of his knee as he's done the last couple of years. He'll get himself back up and going.

Daniel Talia

Dan came from the clouds a bit. In the first half of the season, he kept picking up little niggles that held him back for a week or two, but he's one of the best-prepared junior players I've ever seen and leaves nothing to question. We knew that if we could get him into some form and into the side he would do well. His discipline as a defender was the first thing that caught my eye. He grew so much in that 8 to 10 week block and we can't wait to see more of him next season.

Richard Tambling

Richard fell behind the eight ball pre-Christmas after having a couple of operations. He showed some glimpses, but I think he would say he had a disappointing year. He didn't produce in the positions we thought he could in terms of the run, flair and use of the ball we know he can provide when he's up and running. He just needs to get his body right, have a big pre-season and get himself back to the level a 100-plus game player should be playing at.

Luke Thompson

Even though Luke couldn't wiggle his way back into the team later in the year, we were really excited with what we saw. He's got enormous closing speed and plays with some real maturity. Given another 20 to 30 games, I think he's going to be a really high quality defender, who can play both tall and small. If Andy Otten moves up into the midfield eventually, Luke can probably play as that third tall.

Scott Thompson

Scott had an outstanding year. I think the leadership and maturity with which he played was a real feather in the cap for him. The only criticism you could say was that he tried to do it all himself at times, but full credit to him for wanting to take on that responsibility. He was inspirational in the way he tried to lead the boys.

Kurt Tippett

'Tippo' was up and down, but one of the things you need to assess when you look at his performance is the delivery into the forward line. Our ball movement inside 50m wasn't good at times and that certainly didn't help him. What you do know though, is that like Rory Sloane, Kurt will always compete. You just put the ball in his area and he'll compete for it. We need more marks and more goals from him and he's aware of that. Maybe, a slight tweak in game-plan from a new coach might assist that. I also think he can play a bit higher up the ground. I don't think we should keep him locked in deep forward. He's created a really good fitness base and that's allowed him to do a bit more forward and also change up in the ruck, which has been good for him.

Nathan van Berlo

I don't know if we could have thrown any more at a new captain in one year, with a change of coach, poor performance and a whole heap of other things. He's been exceptional in the way he's handled it all. He came home with a real wet sail in the back half of the year. When we needed some stability from our leaders after Neil [Craig] left he worked really hard with the group. Apart from the last game, he led from the front really well. As a leader, you feel like you need to influence the game more and being in the midfield enabled 'VB' to do that in the latter-part of the season. He attacked the adversity with real vigour and out of that came some enormous growth for him as a leader.

Bernie Vince

Bernie played some exceptional footy in the last half of the year, and the reason why was because he worked his backside off doing extras. He knew he was a bit short, coming out of pre-season and made a call quite early in the year that he needed to get back to doing a bit of extra work behind the scenes. He did it really quietly and diligently and started to reap the rewards towards the end of the season. What he showed was the elite level he touched on when the won the best and fairest two years ago. He wasn't able to maintain it for as long as he did in 2009, but I think he's worked out the formula as to what he needs to do get those results and that's hard work.

Jake von Bertouch (rookie)

Jake was flicked around forward and back at SANFL reserves level, and maybe wasn't able to capture as much form in one spot as we would've liked. When that happens, you tend to move them around a bit more to try and find form a bit. It's a big step coming into an AFL environment and I think early on Jake might have struggled with the volume that was required. He's got to get in the gym, get fit and show what we think he can produce.

Taylor Walker

Like 'Tippo', Tex is a bit reliant on our ball movement further up the ground. I believe he's making some ground on winning more of his own ball. He works really hard on his contested marking and winning the ground ball over the summer. He's becoming a more mature player in his defence and when Kurt was out through injury, he actually took responsibility for the forward line. He's a classy act. At one stage, I looked at the goals he'd kicked in a four to five week period and he was ranked fifth in the competition at that period of time. He's got some real offensive weapons and hopefully we can take more advantage of them next year.

Matt Wright (rookie)

Matty's an unobtrusive, efficient and classy player. Sometimes you need to watch the tape to pick up all the work he does. He's very confident in his own ability and for him to be able to produce what he did in that tough small forward role was an exceptional achievement. He hasn't had a lot of fuss or bother. We talk about Petrenko and Talia being shining lights, Matty was just as good as any of those younger guys in the system. He's showed some really classy and clever signs in the midfield too. He's been able to do that at SANFL level for a couple of years, and if he gets himself really fit he's another who could challenge for a spot in the midfield next season.

Will Young

'Youngy' had a really up and down year. He probably struggled a bit with injury and consistency. He played a bit more forward this year than back. He's at an interesting stage with the SANFL finals on now. Hopefully, he can play some senior footy there. He's been severely frustrated with shoulder and knee injuries and not being able to do as much work as he wants do. If he can maintain his fitness levels and get in the gym, he's a great utility-size and those guys are hard to find. His position on the list will depend on what happens in trade week a bit.