Vote now for your most valuable Crows against North Melbourne.

Our popular Fans’ MVP award returns this years and voing is now open. Log in (or if it’s your first time – register) 

Assign three votes to the player you deem to be the best Crows player, two votes to the second best player and one vote to the third best. Just click on the little plus sign next to the player image.

At the end of the voting period all the votes are added up but there are a maximum of 100 points per game that can be awarded to the entire team.

Each player is then given a percentage of the total votes received to go towards their season tally.

At the end of the year the player who is at the top of the season leaderboard is crowned the Fans’ Most Valuable Player.

This year the voting period for each round will close on the Tuesday evening after the match. This will allow us to keep you updated with progress voting before the start of the next game.