Adelaide will hold coaching clinics, visit schools and host an intra-club trial game in a two-day trip locked in for Port Pirie next month.

The Crows will travel north as part of the AFL’s 2025 Community Camp program on Thursday, February 13 and Friday, February 14.

To kick off the trip, players will spend time visiting schools, before a football clinic, which will be hosted at Memorial Oval, Port Pirie, on Thursday from 4pm.

An open training session will follow, starting at approximately 5pm, and there will be opportunities for autographs and photos with the players after the training session.

On Friday, players will visit more schools, before an all-girls footy clinic, to be hosted at Pirie West Oval from 3.30pm.

The Crows’ 2025 Community Camp will culminate with an internal trial game at Memorial Oval from 4.30pm and a post-match signing session from approximately 6.50pm.

The internal trial game will be livestreamed on the Club’s website.

Fans must register to participate in the clinics here.

Adelaide’s Community Camp:

Thursday, February 13

Football clinic

Memorial Oval

4pm (all genders, ages 5-15)

Captain’s Run


Fan engagement

From 5.45pm (approx).

Friday, February 14

Female football clinic (ages 5-15)

Pirie West Memorial Oval


Internal trial match

Memorial Oval


Post-match fan engagement

From 6.50pm (approx)