Newest Crow Isaac Cumming has answered 16 rapid-fire questions to help fans get to know him better.

The former Giant joined Adelaide on Friday as a free agent. 

What’s your nickname?

My nickname is cheese. It’s a childhood nickname, I’ve had it forever. One of the old boys from Broken Hill nicknamed me cheeseball when I was really young and it’s just stuck.

How many AFL games have you played?

I have played 81.

How tall are you?

I am 188cm.

What position do you play?

I am a wing/half-back.

Where did you grow up?

Broken Hill.

What was your junior footy Club?

The North Broken Hill Bulldogs.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of footy?

Go to the beach and play golf.

What’s your favourite TV show?

The Block.

What’s your favourite music artist or band to listen to?

My favourite band is probably Blink182.

What’s your favourite food?

Chicken parmi.

What’s your favourite sport, other than footy?

Paddle tennis.

Who is your favourite athlete you admire?

Roger Federer.

Do you have any pets?

Not yet.

What are you most looking forward to about joining the Crows?

I’m looking forward to playing at Adelaide Oval in front of big crowds, I am looking forward to running out alongside Tex (Taylor Walker) and spending a lot of time with family.

Which new teammates are you looking forward to playing alongside?

Tex and big Fog (Darcy Fogarty).

At the Giants you wore No.13, is there a story behind that, is it Tex related?

Tex did make No.13 pretty iconic in Broken Hill, but it was just available and I was pretty happy it was there, so I snapped it up quickly.