Support the Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave to Care and Cure and get your hair coloured red, yellow and blue for the Showdown.

The Crows Foundation is supporting the Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave at Showdown XX and gold coin collections will take place at the gates prior to the match while the public can also pay to have their hair coloured in their club’s colours.

Qualified hairdressers will be at most entrances and for $5 adults and a gold coin donation children (12 years and under) can look the part.

The colour will, in most cases, come out after one wash with shampoo.

Crows half-forward Matt Bode had his hair coloured to help promote the event. "It's a great cause," he said. "I don't think the coach would want me to look like this for the game but it would great to see our fans get into it."

The Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave to Care and Cure will take place on May 4-6 2006 to raise much needed funds.

For further information, visit or call 1800 500 088.