Expat fans such as Samantha Amai, of UAE capital city Abu Dhabi, showed their true colours among a festive crowd of 6000 at the Ghantoot Polo Club.
"I can't believe the Crows are playing here, I'm just so excited," she said. Previously an Adelaide and then Melbourne based member, Samantha still gets the regular members update forwarded to keep up with the news.
Other fans included Michael Lewis and Lisa Clarke, who had arrived on Saturday morning after a direct flight from Sydney. And Sam and Wally Jamal travelled from Australia to meet cousin Eddie and go to the game.
Crows coach Neil Craig praised the fans for their support. "We had a number of people travel from Australia for the match, which must have been a great experience for them," he said. "But I've also met quite a few ex-pats who were just so excited that AFL football was going to be played over here. The support for us today was fantastic and I'm sure they went home excited about what they saw."
To see photos of the Adelaide fans in Dubai, click on the following link: