ADELAIDE skipper Nathan van Berlo gathered his teammates in a tight huddle on a half-forward flank at Etihad Stadium in the aftermath of Saturday night's six-point loss to Carlton.

After a horror start, the Crows had bravely fought back into the game to hold an unlikely 11-point lead in the last quarter before untimely skill errors cruelled their chances of a come-from-behind win.

It was a performance in stark contrast to last weekend's fade out against Port Adelaide and van Berlo wanted to strike while the memory of their stirring rally was fresh in their minds.

"It was important to emphasise the point to a young group when you do something significant like that," van Berlo said.

"After quarter-time I thought the response of the boys was great which should give us confidence going forward.

"Last week was disappointing, but at least we were right in the contest today. We played at the level that we expect and that's the new standard for us moving forward.

"If we're able to compete at that level week in, week out then I'm sure we'll get the results we deserve."

The rampant Blues opened up full of running to lead by 28 points early in the second term before Adelaide came storming back into contention.

Coach Neil Craig was criticised for not being able to change his game plan to halt a similar run by the Power last week, but van Berlo said the comeback against Carlton was not evidence of a newly implemented 'Plan B'.

"You can certainly make alterations to your game plan," he said.

"Every team does that with subtle changes here and there, but I can't think of a team in the comp that goes from one style to another completely different one. If they do I'd like to see it.

"We firmly back in our game style. We've got enough confidence in some changes that we can make if we need to if we get a run on against us, but we'll keep improving in that area."

At 1-3 Adelaide's season is certainly not in dire straits, but the wins will need to start coming soon if finals are to remain a viable goal.

While admitting his side's record isn't ideal, van Berlo said that the belief in the group remained strong.

"There's been a lot said about where we're at at the moment, but from our perspective we haven't ever deviated from our own expectations and we've still got a firm belief about where we're going," he said.

"We're very disappointed with the result, it's not what we would have liked, but to get ourselves back in the contest was a positive. We should remember the fight we showed in the game because I'm sure we'll have to call on that the rest of the season."