Crows Coach Matthew Nicks has today addressed the media regarding Adelaide’s Round 24 team selection.

Nicks said the decision to omit Josh Rachele was based on values and did not come from an isolated incident.

“Josh and I have had a number of conversations, it’s not isolated to recent events, this is something we've been working on for a long time now. Not just Josh and I but the whole team, the entire squad, about what we stand for,” Nicks said.

“When you are dealing with values it is important that you get everyone on the same page, it is such a fine line between what we accept and what we don’t as a football Club and a football team. 

“We will continue to work through that as a group, there are a lot of things Josh is doing that we love, we love his energy, we love his enthusiasm, he brings an incredible passion to our group. 

“There is no good time (to omit someone), players go in and out of our team every week… this is one that is of high profile, so I understand and respect the interest around that, but ultimately we are going to do what is best for the team and we will always put team first. Then we will work with the individuals on making sure we have support for them.” 

Nicks, who described Rachele as a “future leader of the footy Club”, said the entire Crows group would continue to work through consistency with values. 

“We’ve always got Josh’s back and I’ve got every player’s back, especially in times that are tough,” Nicks said. 

“Josh and I have had numerous conversations since the day he arrived at the footy Club. The last week and a half have been a tough week for him and I've been there for him, and I will be there for him going forward. 

“We are all working our way through how you are consistent with your values, this is not purely just about Josh, it is about our group continuing to improve. 

“I’ve got no doubt he will be a leader of our footy Club in the near future and going forward, right now we are working on making sure that he is a leader that we want others to follow.” 

Nicks said Rachele had the right attitude in dealing with the news.

“Josh has been fantastic, as expected, and has got complete clarity… he and I are on the same page about what has played out,” Nicks said.

“Josh instantly went to exactly what is his role now, he’s not on the plane with us today, with the 23 we are taking to Sydney, but his role now is to represent our team at SANFL level. 

“He was straight into that, speaking to his coaches about what his role would look like, because ultimately he wants to do the right thing by the team and he will continue to work in that space."