Adelaide defender Wayne Milera has been named an inaugural First Nations Education Ambassador.

The AFL Players Association (AFLPA) together with Torrens University last month announced Milera and St Kilda’s Nasiah Wanganeen-Milera as the ambassadors.

The ambassador program is a commitment from the AFLPA and Torrens University to improve the experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players who are undertaking study alongside their football careers.

As a co-ambassador, Milera’s role is to support Indigenous AFL and AFLW players in their studies outside of football, provide mentoring opportunities within the First Nations community, and help set them up for success in life after playing.

Milera has completed a Bachelor of Applied Management and is currently studying a Graduate Certificate of Business Administration with Torrens University.

Speaking to AFC Media, Milera said he was keen to be a role model for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

“The aim is to try and use our platforms as AFL footballers to show Indigenous, First Nations People can study as well,” Milera said.

“I think doing something besides footy to keep my brain ticking along is important as well.

“Along with your professional sporting career, having a qualification behind you looks quite attractive to future employees.”

The proud Gunditjmara and Narangga man encouraged others to be open to trying different courses until they found the one for them.

“It’s important for young kids to surround themselves with a good little network, like their family, take as much in as they can and just try their hardest, give stuff a go,” Milera said.

“Something might not be for you and you’ll go through all different things.

“I did a bunch of different things at Uni, I tried other things besides university but I found that Uni was probably for me.”

Milera’s 2024 AFL campaign didn’t go the way he had hoped, after rupturing the patella tendon in his right knee in Round Three.

Undergoing surgery in April, he has worked through his rehabilitation program and is hoping to start running again soon.

“I’m looking to run on the ultra-g machine soon and then hopefully try to start on-ground running,” Milera said.

“That should be good, I’m pretty excited to get running again because it’s been quite a long time.

“It’s (rehab) gone as good as it could. My knee has felt pretty good and I think this time compared to last time I feel a lot more positive about it.

“My rehab has been a lot of weights, leg weights and cross training, so I am pretty excited to be able to start running and change up my program a little bit.”