Adelaide will not make any decisions on delisting players from its squad until after the AFL trade period from October 3-7."Once that's finished, you are in a better position to make quite clear decisions," Adelaide coach Neil Craig said on Thursday."But we'll use the time between now and the trade period to look at our list and go through it. It's an important decision on all those players because you're dealing with people's lives."Craig said the Crows would be looking for more midfielders in the NAB AFL Draft on November 26."And obviously every club is looking for some key-position-type players - forward or back - and if there are some tall utilities - people who can play forward and back, but not necessarily key positions - they're the sort of areas we'll look at."I don't know what's happening during the trade or who is available. I've said it before - personally, I don't like the trade. I think world history says as soon as you start buying and selling human beings, it's fraught with danger."But I understand that's the business we're in and I understand that's the way it is. Personally, I would sooner be able to select and develop players rather than trade them."